roots international No. 2, 2018 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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roots international No. 2, 2018

Dernier numéro

roots international No. 2, 2018

Cover / Editorial / Content / Hands-on courses - Thursday, 28 June 2018 / Lecture programme - ROOTS SUMMIT 2018 / Chairpersons & invited speakers - ROOTS SUMMIT 2018 / Abstracts - ROOTS SUMMIT 2018 / The dental operating microscope in endodontics / Nd:YAG laser-assisted removal of instrument fragments / Cutting endodontic access cavities—for long-term outcomes / Bioactivity in restorative dentistry: A user’s guide / Trends & application / Bioactive materials for root canal obturation / Orthograde apical application of an MTA plug in a tooth without constriction / Long-term stable restoration of severely discoloured anterior teeth / Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw / Manufacturer news / Successful communication in your daily practice - Part III: Millennial patients / “He brought a world of enthusiasm and knowledge to the global endodontic community" / International events / Submission guidelines / International imprint /
