laser international - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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laser international

Dernier numéro

laser international

Cover / Laser —useful and reasonable / Content / The use of the Er:YAG in laser-assisted broken abutment screw treatment / Laser phototherapy in Bell’s palsy / Frenectomy review / The minimalinvasive laser surgical crown lengthening / The clinical use of the Er - Cr:YSGG laser in endodontic therapy / Er - Cr:YSGG laser assisted GTR in periodontal surgery / “A man alone cannot do anything” / 2010—A breakthrough for Laser Supported Dentistry in Sweden / AALZ Greece successfully established / International events / XIIth International Congress of the WFLD in Dubai / Laser dentistry and Implantology Symposium in Gaziantep a great success! / “Tomorrow’s dentistry today” / Manufacturer News / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
