CAD/CAM North America No. 1, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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CAD/CAM North America No. 1, 2014

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CAD/CAM North America No. 1, 2014

Cover / Editorial / Content / A minimally invasive approach according to biomechanical principles of teeth / Restorativedriven implant therapy / Going (unintentionally) green: The unexpected bonus of switching to CAD/CAM and same-day dentistry / Planmeca ProMax CBCT with CAD/CAM technology: The perfect combination / The new 3 Ps: Productive - profitable and predictable / ‘Take CAD/CAM to the next level’ / Expanded options - new materials from Ivoclar Vivadent / Programat CS2: A new generation furnace for the dental office / Imprint /
