CAD/CAM North America No. 1, 2012 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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CAD/CAM North America No. 1, 2012

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CAD/CAM North America No. 1, 2012

Cover / Guest editorial / Content / E4D chairside CAD/CAM restorations: Case presentations and lessons learned / Using in-office CAD/CAM technology and lithium disilicate to fabricate efficient and predictable restorations / CAD/CAM technology: Setting the standard and achieving success / Marginal/internal crown fit evaluation of CAD/CAM versus press-laboratory all-ceramic crown / Complex restorative challenges with the E4D chairside CAD/CAM system / How E4D and IPS e.max revolutionized a family practice / There is nothing to fear but fear itself: Don’t wait to invest in E4D / With E4D chairside CAD/CAM - ‘old dogs’ can learn new tricks / Effective social media and marketing strategies in five easy steps / Signs of the times / Tools for making prudent decisions / The ‘next big thing’ / Benefits and realities of incorporating E4D chairside CAD/CAM / New CAD/CAM block from 3M ESPE / New adaptive learning technology for dental teaching institutions / Dedicated to advancing dentistry through education / Submissions / Imprint /
