CAD/CAM North America No. 1, 2011 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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CAD/CAM North America No. 1, 2011

Dernier numéro

CAD/CAM North America No. 1, 2011

Cover / Editorial / Content / Direct ceramic restoration using digital technologies / Maximizing material selection with CAD/CAM dentistry / Overcoming treatment challenges: strength and reliability in the posterior / Optimizing margin isolation / Technology in the dental curriculum / A new alternative to PFM / The efficacy of in-office CAD/CAM / Integrating CAD/CAM: a practical guide / 20/20 dentistry / Can you afford not to have a chairside CAD/CAM system? / Insuring success with CAD/CAM restorations / Restorative control - scheduling freedom - staff empowerment: Today’s in-office CAD/CAM! / The history of D4D Technologies / Digital dentistry events / Submissions / Imprint /
