today IDS 2011 Cologne 21 March - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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today IDS 2011 Cologne 21 March

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today IDS 2011 Cologne 21 March

Cologne prepares for largest dental show in history / IDS 2011—The leading global trade fair for the dental industry / “The strong presence of foreign exhibitors and visitors is creating a cosmopolitan atmosphere”; Interview with with Oliver P. Kuhrt - Executive Vice President Koelnmesse - and Dr Martin Rickert - Chairman of the Association of German Dental Manuf / Acteon Germany announces help for tsunami victims in Japan / News / All-ceramic restorations drive aesthetics in the field of dentistry / CAD/CAM technology - the seed for a new kind of dentistry / Tooth replacements again key topic at IDS 2011 / Business / German city life at its best / Service /
