Ortho Tribune U.S. - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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Ortho Tribune U.S.

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Ortho Tribune U.S.

Interview with Donald E. Machen - DMD - MSD - MD - JD - MBA - CFA - ABO - FACD / Women have come a long - long way… and finally reached orthodontics / ACCEPTx™ orthodontic case acceptance software company begins selling nationwide; opens new national headquarters in Southern Nevada / OrthoAccel Technologies joins Houston venture company / Interview with Donald E. Machen - DMD - MSD - MD - JD - MBA - CFA - ABO - FACD (Continued from page 1) / The impact of infectious diseases on the practice of dentistry / Making a good use of a good material: BioForce® arch wires / Risk - practice and financial management for the orthodontist / Dealing with difficult patients! / The most important piece of technology in your practice: the telephone / Strategic planning and anticipation / Dr. Jed M. Feller invents Bracket Jacketz™ - ACCEPTx fee presentation software to make practice more successful / Second City’s 1st-rate show / Ortho Events / Ortho Products / Ortho Classifieds /
