DT Asia Pacific - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Asia Pacific

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DT Asia Pacific

Barriers to Oral Healthcare / Advancing Aesthetics / Barriers to Oral Healthcare (Continued from page 1) / Turn Patient Satisfaction into Patient Loyalty / Can Work be Less Stressfull and More Fulfilling in 2007? (Yes!) / Oral Implications of Osteoporosis / Influence of the Length of Instrumentation and Canal Obturation on the Success of Endodontic Therapy: A 10-Year Clinical Follow-Up / The Impact of Infectious Diseases on the Practice of Dentistry / Innovations in Endodontic Instruments and Techniques: How They Simplify Treatment / Bringing Biometric Diagnostics into Dentistry / Immediate Extraction-Implantation in the Anterior Maxillary Region / 100 Years of Local Anesthesia in Dental Medicine / What’s in a Name? / Implantology: Innovations for Insiders /
