implants international No. 3, 2012 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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implants international No. 3, 2012

Dernier numéro

implants international No. 3, 2012

Cover / Editorial / Content / Rehabilitation of a complex case with zirconium dental implants / Impression and registration for full-arch implant dentures / Time-saving debridment of implants with rotating titanium brushes / Immediate implantation in the anterior maxilla / Fixed full arch metal-free prosthesis on four SHORT® implants / CAD/CAM-based restoration of an edentulous maxilla / Meetings / Conical internal connections will fuel growth in dental implant market / Manufacturer News / Master of Oral Medicine in Implantology / Celebrating theTriumph of Osseointegration / National Osteology Symposium in Bonn / “Quality-oriented implantology” - DGZI Annual Congress in Hamburg / News / Imprint / Subscription /
