Dental Tribune E-Paper Edition - Dt Uk

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Dernier numéro

DT UK & Ireland No. 2, 2024

Recruitment, retention and remuneration in dental offices / Research shows minimally invasive non-surgical treatment effective for intra-bony defects / Government claims about NHS dental availability are deceptive, leaving mothers untreated / UK NEWS / INTERNATIONAL NEWS / Guided implant placement and restoration: A comprehensive approach / “Sharing one’s problems is key Chris Barrow to alleviating stress” - Confidental helpline allows dental professionals to share their concerns anonymously. / British Dental Conference & Dentistry ShChrois Bwarrow offers learning, growth and connection / “Aligners have shortcomings, but usinCghri s Barrow the right aligner foam helps” - An interview with Dr Ana Bokuchava, Curaden. / INDUSTRY /
