laser international No. 1, 2012 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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laser international No. 1, 2012

Dernier numéro

laser international No. 1, 2012

Cover / Editorial / Content / Laser in oral surgery and medicine / Influences on the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcers with the Nd:YAG laser / Treatment of chronic periodontitis by laser and LED-PDT light / Laser treatment of dentine hypersensitivity / The management of pyogenic granuloma with the 980 nm diode laser / Bleaching: New approaches to a traditional minimally invasive therapy / Effective treatment of periodontal problem areas / Fascination of Laser Dentistry / Manufacturer News / 13thWFLDWorld Congress in Barcelona / The Mundus ACP Program: aiming for a brighter future / 11th “MSc in Lasers in Dentistry” class graduates at RWTH Aachen University / International events / News / Imprint /
