CAD/CAM international No. 2, 2019 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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CAD/CAM international No. 2, 2019

Dernier numéro

CAD/CAM international No. 2, 2019

Cover / Editorial by Dr Scott D. Ganz / Content / Comparison of guided and non-guided implant placement accuracy / Digital workfl ow in dentistry—What’s in it for you / Scan perfectly with CEREC Primescan and gain time for what is really important: your patients / Zirconia implants and digital workflow: A case report / Straumann Pro Arch concept with fully guided implant and abutment placement / Predictable guided implant placement for full-mouth reconstruction / Cone beam supplement / Why reviews have grown in importance / Manufacturer news / Meetings / Submission guidelines / International imprint /
