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3D printing international No. 2, 2023

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3D printing international No. 2, 2023

Editorial by Editor-in-chief Dr George Freedman: The economic impact of 3D printing / Leading market research firm predicts massive growth for dental 3D-printing market / New study investigates 3D-printing use in dental practice / Japanese professor makes learning about AI in dentistry easy with published overview / Launch of UltraThineer, world’s thinnest cosmetic dental veneer / Wanted: Research on 3D-printed zirconia restorations / 3D printing is not the perfect answer to periodontal regeneration, but it is getting close / Dental clinicians could soon click “print” before they head to surgery / Virtual surgical planning and 3D printing bring predictability and patient satisfaction / The future of regenerative dentistry: “Cells alone are not proving to be enough to provide lasting, curative treatments” An interview with Dr Caralynn Collens / Learning the basics of design for bioprinting is both free and easy: An interview with Forrest Hall, 3D-printing enthusiast from Texas in the USA / User report by Dr Fernando Gérman: Printing crowns in less time than it takes to brew a cup of coffee / User report by Jeroen Klijnsma: Polished splints direct from the 3D printer—“The UltraGLOSS printing technique is an absolute winner” / High-quality digitalisation for automation, precision and customer satisfaction: HeyGears 3D printers simplify and speed up operations by Romain Lecoustre / Case report by Dr Fernanda Zegarra: The use of inexpensive 3D printers to provide in-office solutions for immediate temporary restorations on implants / Dental resins in 3D printing—just the beginning: A buyers’ guide by Dr George Freedman / 3D resins buyers’ guide / Formnext Start-up Challenge rewards innovative additive manufacturing companies / Manufacturer news / Formnext international exhibition showcases innovations in additive manufacturing for dentistry: Faster and more convenient 3D-printing solutions improve business opportunities for dentists / International events / Submission guidelines for authors / Imprint and magazine subscription /

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