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3Shape Articles

Stay up to date with the latest news, product innovations, special offers and articles from 3Shape, a market leader in 3D scanner and CAD/CAM software solutions.

Descubra o atendimento completo ao paciente na 3Shape Unfold

COPENHAGEN, Dinamarca: Conhecida por seu compromisso em fornecer soluções odontológicas de ponta e líderes de mercado, a 3Shape também se orgulha de ...


Как стоматологи-гигиенисты экономят время, деньги и материалы, работая с цифровыми оттисками

Виктория Бенвенуто, клинический доцент кафедры гигиены Стоматологического колледжа...


Discover complete patient care at 3Shape Unfold

COPENHAGEN, Denmark: Known for its commitment to providing cutting-edge and market-leading dental solutions, 3Shape also prides itself on guiding and ...


3Shape Automate: Redefine your approach to digital design

COPENHAGEN, Denmark: Given its emphasis on research and development, 3Shape has always been focused on delivering innovative market-leading technological ...


3Shape Navigate: evento digital de Odontologia oferece uma janela para o futuro

COPENHAGEN, Dinamarca: Em março, de 17 a 18, as equipes odontológicas tiveram a oportunidade de vivenciar o futuro da assistência odontológica - um ...


3Shape Navigate: Digital dentistry event offers a window into the future

COPENHAGEN, Denmark: On 17–18 March, dental teams will have the opportunity to experience the future of dental care—a future that is already here. ...


3Shape Navigate: avanzando la odontología digital

Entre los innumerables beneficios que ofrece la odontología digital se encuentra una capacidad mejorada para comunicarse, compartir archivos y colaborar ...


Приглашаем принять участие в двухдневном виртуальном образовательном форуме 3Shape Navigate

КОПЕНГАГЕН, Дания: Компания 3Shape приглашает всех стоматологов, интересующихся ...


3Shape Navigate: Improving communication with digital dentistry

Among the myriad benefits offered by digital dentistry is an improved ability to communicate, share files and collaborate with partnering dental ...


Estudo encontra diferenças na precisão de escâneres intraorais

SEOUL, Coreia do Sul: Embora os escâneres intraorais já existam há mais de três décadas e seu uso na prática odontológica esteja aumentando, poucas ...


Studija otkrila razlike u preciznosti intraoralnih skenera

SEUL, Južna Koreja: I dok intraoralni skeneri postoje više od trideset godina te njihova upotreba u stomatologiji raste svakim danim, obavljeno je ...


Študija je ugotovila razlike v natančnosti intraoralnih skenerjev

SEOUL, Južna Koreja: Čeprav intraoralni skenerji obstajajo že več kot tri desetletja in se njihova uporaba v zobozdravstveni praksi povečuje, je le ...


Study finds differences in accuracy of intra-oral scanners

SEOUL, South Korea: Even though intra-oral scanners have been around for more than three decades and their use in dental practice is increasing, few ...


3Shape e Ivoclar Vivadent intensificam esforços colaborativos

COPENHAGEN, Dinamarca/SCHAAN, Liechtenstein: o desenvolvedor de escâner 3D 3Shape e o fabricante de sistemas de produtos inteligentes Ivoclar Vivadent ...
